Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Causes of Terrorism and How it can be Stopped Essay

Terrorism and guerrilla warfare, whether justified as resistance to oppression or condemned as disrupting the rule of law, are as old as civilization itself. The power of the terrorist, however, has been magnified by modern weapons, including television, which he has learned to exploit. (Guerrillas and Terrorists) There are many definitions and forms of terrorism: biological and chemical, nuclear, international, cyber, criminal, environmental, and US Domestic terrorism are some examples. Usually, terrorists blackmail governments with hostages to reach their ultimate goals. In the 1980s, kidnapping was the preferred action of terrorists groups. (World History People and Nations) In some incidents, terrorists kill unsuspecting, innocent†¦show more content†¦Terrorist activities may be directed against individuals, organizations or governments. Terrorism is employed by radical groups to obtain concessions from established governments, such as a change in policies unfavorable to them or the release of imprisoned members of their organizations#8230; (Terrorism, N. S. Encyclopedia T-169) The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. Cyber-terrorism could thus be defined as the use of computing resources to intimidate or coerce others. An example of cyber-terrorism could be hacking into a hospital computer system and changing someones medicine prescription to a lethal dosage as an act of revenge. (Sproles and Byars, Online) The terrorists mission is often hard to understand, especially when the terrorists in question are young, and have no real political motives. In the book The Terrorists: their Weapons, Leaders and Tactics, by Christopher Dobson and Ronald Payne, terrorists are said to live by two rules: 1. The use of violence is obligatory to induce fear and chaos, and 2. It must be aimed at the people and the institutions of the established order. (Lisson)Show MoreRelatedTerrorism Change Over The Years970 Words   |  4 Pages Terrorism Change Over the Years Throught the years terrorism have drastically changed our point of view of the world. In the 20th century terrorist did not have that much of technology to work with including aviation. Now a days they have more methods and forms to attack countries and states. A brief definition of terrorism is a use of violence acts to scare people in an area as a way to achieve political goals. Terrorism is the cause of many wars throughout historyRead MoreTerrorism : Racism And Hatred Essay858 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorism can be stopped but I believe only to a certain extent. 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